New England Phase One XF Launch Event: Recap
It was only a few weeks ago that we were let in on the secret of the pending release of the Phase One XF. Having not one but two of our locations chosen to host some of the first ever hands-on demonstrations of the Phase One XF camera and the new IQ3 digital backs. While we had been planning on having an advanced, user feedback driven Capture One Training session, we saw this as a perfect opportunity to tie it together with the new camera. Our initial Capture One Pro training session with the Image Quality Professor, Niels V. Knudsen, was expanded to include new information about the XF camera system, as well as insights on the design process of the IQ3 backs. Attendees were given the chance to talk with Niels directly, as well as Jon Gilbert, head of technical support at Phase One, Ziv Argov, VP of Phase One, and our own Capture Integration crew: Rob Baker, Marketing Manger, Dave McRitchie, National Sales Manager, and Chris Valites, Research, Marketing, and Support.

Wednesday brought on a general open house, with an opportunity to shoot with a live model, and get more intimate one-on-one time with Niels and the Phase One crew. We had a goodly turnout of people, from college students to working professionals, to university art professors with shows in multiple countries. Everyone had their own particular thoughts, needs, or questions, and was able to use our collective knowledge towards their own unique perspective on the photo industry as it applied to them.

After the event, we had a chance to go outside and shoot with our model for the day, and experiment with the IQ3 60MP’s performance with the Schneider Kreuznach 35mm LS f/3.5 lens.

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