EIZO ColorNavigator Compatibility with OS X Yosemite

Compatibility Notice
EIZO has issued a compatibility note regarding the ColorNavigator 6 software and Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite. The software is compatible with Yosemite, but with a particular OS-related issue. According to EIZO, while the software is fully functioning, the Mac OS is not correctly applying the gamma value designated by the software so tones 128 and 129 become the same tone. This results in the ColorNavigator Agent alerting the user every minute about the change in video card gamma. EIZO has reached out to Apple regarding this issue and recommends everyone keep Yosemite up to date with the latest updates.
The Workaround
Fortunately, you don’t have to put with an alert every minute. You can simply select “Ignore” when the alert appears and it will no longer alert you to this, even though the issue remains.

Keep checking our blog or at EIZO global for updates regarding this compatibility!