XF Cable Release, Break Out Box “BOB” & Hähnel Cable Release

This accessory is a high quality cable release and multi connector break out box, that enables electronic cable triggering and power in to the XF camera at the same time.
The cable release and 3 different connecting cables are available now.
An optional XF 24V Power Supply will be available in late 2016. The power supply will support XF Power Share, and thus can be used to supply power to the full XF IQ3 Camera system.

XF Cable Release
Phase One has designed the XF Cable release BOB as a high quality studio and on location triggering device with the exact same tactile feeling and high quality manufacturing as the XF it self.
The basic cable release consist of the BOB device and a 30 cm Spiral cable.
This solution is ideal as a cable release and basically replicates the camera release button on the XF camera.

Price: $399
To buy click here
XF Cable Release and Breakout Box (BOB)
The XF Cable Release BOB is equipped with two additional multi-connector ports:
- Left side – 12 pins 24V power-in port for the upcoming XF Power Supply
- Right Side 8/12 pins adaptor to existing 645DF+ cable releases or othercustom trigger devices

Using the XF Cable release with the XF 24V Power Supply
The Power Supply will only work with the optional straight cables which has all the lead wires connected for power. The Spiral cable is only designed to work with the cable trigger function.Connecting the XF Cable Release BOB and 24V power at the same time1. Connect the 10cm or the 2M cable between the BOB and the XF camera.
2. Connect the power supply to the left 12pins port marked with “24v”Now you are able to trigger the camera, and power the full XF IQ3 Camera System from a wall outlet at the same time. Optionally you can connect any 8 or 12 pins cable release to the right side port marked with the “Shutter” symbol.
Hähnel cable release for the price conscious customers
In addition to the XF Cable Release BOB, Phase One has worked together with Hähnel to make available a simple but neat 3rd party add on cable release.

This cable release will work directly on the XF multiport or via the XF Cable Release BOB. This product will also be available now.

Price: $99To buy click here. For more information contact Capture Integration at 877.217.9870
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