Testing the Phase One IQ4 and Cambo HR 180mm
Last week a very good client, Jeffrey Littell, came to Atlanta to get trained on his new Phase One IQ4 Achromatic digital back. This gave me a great excuse to take a day off and go shooting with this wonderful man. So I grabbed a color IQ4 150, a Cambo WRS 1600, and a few lenses and we both jumped in the van to go shoot in one of our favorite locations.

Just an hour north of Atlanta is one of the most unique locations to shoot in the entire US. Old Car City is a graveyard of gorgeous antique automobiles that is laid out as a 30 acre amusement park. There are over 4,000 vintage American vehicles that have been intentionally arranged to let mother nature absorb and reclaim them. Old Car City gives you a strong fondness of the art form of the automobile while simultaneously giving you a gut wrenching feeling that these amazing vehicles were left to decay year after year.
If you like antique cars then you will love this place. It will take you back to your childhood when you see the vehicle your parents or grandparents used to drive. Or you see the 1968 Fastback that now has a tree growing right through the engine block and cringe thinking how amazing this car was when it was rolling down the streets near your home. Each step is another find and another jaw dropping visual…. but I digress. You will need to experience it for yourself some day.

While Jeffrey played with his new system, I grabbed my Cambo WRS 1600 and meandered on my own. I started with the Rodenstock 32mm HR and then the 90mm HR and then the 180mm HR… and that is when I was amazed. The sharpness that was evident just on the LCD stopped me in my tracks. The Rodenstock 180mm HR has not been a popular lens but clearly this is because few have ever shot with it. It is the longest lens in the RS line-up and it takes the extra adapter in order to get infinity focus.

So while it seems like it is a longer lens that would not be beneficial in your bag, I would strongly disagree. There have been many times that I have shot a skyline from a bluff and wanted to be closer. Or, I wanted to be a little more macro on my subject matter. Since the 90mm, 120mm, and 180mm all need a spacer, you don’t need a spacer in your bag for each. So it won’t take up as much room as you would think, but the results will really tell you why you should consider it. Take a look at these next two images and the close up details.

So the results speak for themselves when it comes to sharpness. The next question is Image Circle. This lens is rated as an 80mm Image circle. This is very small for a full frame sensor but it does not tell the full story. Take a look at Steve Hendrix’s shift test with the 180mm HR in the entrance alley of our office in Atlanta. Steve proved that with the IQ4 150 mp, we can get full 20mm movements in all directions and not have any issues at all.

No smearing. No falloff. No color issues. No doubt one of the best lenses I have ever tested.
Capture Integration has this lens for rent in our both Cambo and Alpa mounts. You can also purchase this lens on our website here: