Thank You Michael…

Michael Reichmann 1945 – 2016
In every sense of the word he led an amazing life. His accomplishments are too long to list in a small blog post. He literally changed our world technology with some of the 6 patents that he holds in communication. He was a technician, a teacher, a publisher, an innovator, an entrepreneur, a philanthropist, and a photographer. And he created one of the most important international photographic communities online today.
If you never were able to meet Michael Reichmann, he has left such a strong legacy at Luminous Landscape, you will be able to feel you know the person with the amazing content that he created and shared.. If you are not familiar with Luminous then I strongly recommend you take some time and begin to read:
I was lucky enough to have many a long dinners with Mr. Reichmann where he openly shared his experiences and insight to the conversations at hand. The image above is from one of these dinners where Michael showed his watch that meant absolutely no sense to me. The entire watch face was in bits, just 0’s and 1’s, but he could tell time to the second with that crazy thing……. Yes, he was a nerd……. and we got along perfectly because of it. This image is also one of my favorite pictures of Kevin Raber, can you tell why? : )
Thank you for your friendship. Thank you for your business advice. Thank you for helping my company and my career in this industry. But most of all, thank you for your unselfishness in our industry and for creating a legacy that will continue to live on. You will be missed Mr. Reichmann.
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