High Volume Photo Production Just Changed Forever

Capture Integration has launched the world’s first collaborative, cloud-based photo workflow platform integrated with Phase One’s Capture One software. ShotFlow One is now in production at major US national brands that are realizing huge improvements in workflow efficiency and measurability of their production process, as well as the automated creation of “smarter assets” via Capture One.
ShotFlow One has been nearly two years in the making and represents a significant expansion of Capture Integration’s solutions. The project began with requests by some of the world’s leading studios to automate Capture One functionality such as file-naming. However, as CI looked at the larger problems around photo production data management, studio efficiency, sample tracking, and metadata tagging, it became clear there was an opportunity to create something much bigger, with the power to transform photography production for an entire industry.
For many years, Capture Integration has been interested in new ways to create more value for our clients by solving problems that are impeding their business growth. ShotFlow One is such a perfect fit because it builds on our knowledge of Capture One, studio production workflow and process efficiency.
One of the biggest benefits of ShotFlow One is re-focusing creative teams on the creative work they love, instead of chasing data, guidance, and each other. By automating many of the low-value functions creative teams were doing manually, there is a dramatic increase in both the quality and enjoyment of their work. Now they can focus on elevating the brand and creating more great content, instead of last-minute fire drills due to a broken production process.
Capture Integration is thrilled to bring this cutting edge production solution to our existing clients as well as many new clients who are discovering us through this unique solution to the critical business challenge of scaling visual content production.
For more information, visit our dedicated ShotFlow One website at www.shotflow1.com