The Trick to Vibrant UV Images : broncolor UV Attachment

broncolor UV Attachment
The Trick to Vibrant UV Images

broncolor’s UV attachment for their Pulso lampbases is a slick little accessory. Originally designed for technical photography (reproduction, material analysis, forensic photography etc.), it quickly found favor amongst creative photographers doing fashion, beauty, and any other photography involving dyes or any material that fluoresces. (Stay tuned for a more detailed blog post soon on using this UV attachment).

Basically, the attachment works by blocking out visible light while only letting ultraviolet light (UV-A) and a small portion of ultraviolet (UV-B) in the range of 300 – 315 nm pass through.
Over the many years that I have sold this unique attachment, there has been some confusion on one adaption that must be made to the lampbase before using it.
Customers would often call, saying that not only was the UV attachment cutting out all visible light but also cutting out most of the UV light. They were having to utilize their pack at full power and, even then, barely getting a faint image.
Simple fix. They didn’t realize that they were still using the UV cutoff glass dome that came on their Pulso lampbase. So basically, the UV attachment was cutting out the visible light, and the UV cutoff glass dome was cutting out most of the UV light. The fix is to replace the UV cutoff glass dome with a clear glass dome made by broncolor.

So, there you have it. A simple but very important part of the equation using the broncolor UV attachment. Also, don’t forget to put the UV-blocking dome back on when you are finished using the UV attachment so your regular photography colors will not be affected by the clear glass dome.

By Greg King
“What makes photography a strange invention is that its primary raw materials are time and light.”
John Berger
Take care and stay safe!
– Greg
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